DUO Security and Campus VPN

Elon University requires multi-factor authentication (MFA) utilizing DUO Security for those logging into the Campus VPN. While most faculty, staff, and students are already familiar with DUO Security, please note that the interface is slightly different when using DUO Security with the Campus VPN.

Multi-Factor Authentication Enrollment using DUO Security

All faculty, staff, and students should already be enrolled in MFA utilizing DUO Security. You do not have to enroll again. If for some reason you are not enrolled, please follow our step-by-step instructions on the Multi-Factor Authentication Guide.

Manage DUO Security Enrolled Devices

If you are already enrolled and need to add or change your DUO Security enrolled devices, login to the MFA management site and follow the instructions (for more information, refer to Manage DUO Security Enrolled Devices).

Authenticating to the Campus VPN

Connecting to the Campus VPN requires the use of the Cisco AnyConnect client. Most campus-issued computers already have this client installed by default. If you need to install the client, refer to the Set Up VPN article. 

  1. Open the Cisco AnyConnect client and choose (or type) vpn.elon.edu. 
    • Note: If this if your first time connecting to the Campus VPN, you may have to type vpn.elon.edu. The next time you connect, you should see vpn.elon.edu as one of your drop-down options. 
  2. On the next screen, you'll notice several fields:
    1. Group: By default, this field is set to AnyConnect
    2. Username: Enter your Elon email address
    3. Password: Enter your Elon email password
    4. Second Password: This field is used to specify how you would like to verify your identity with DUO Security. In this field, type one of the following:
      1. push – This will send a push notification to your default mobile device registered with DUO Security.
      2. phone – This will call your default device registered with DUO Security.  If you have multiple devices registered and want the push or call to go to your second device, simply type push2 or phone2.
      3. If you have a passcode (generated by the DUO Mobile app, a temporary bypass code from the Technology Service Desk, or a keyfob), enter the passcode provided.
  3. Select "OK" to connect
  4. Once you've verified your identify with DUO Security, you'll see a warning appear forbidding unauthorized access. Choose Accept.
    • Cisco AnyConnect pop-up saying "Warning!! Warning!! Warning!! Unauthorized access is strictly forbidden. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." with an "Accept" and "Decline" button
  5. You should now have access to the Campus VPN. Be sure to disconnect when you have finished your session.
    1. Remember that you only need to use the Campus VPN when remotely connecting to on-campus, sensitive applications such as eDocs. You do not need to use the Campus VPN when on campus or when connected to sites like Moodle or Office365.  
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DUO Security and AnyConnect for Colleague VPN access FAQ.
Overview of DUO Security and Colleague VPN using Cisco AnyConnect.
Install the AnyConnect client for VPN access on Windows and Mac devices.
General VPN FAQ.

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