Import and Export Questions into Moodle


Addresses importing and exporting questions into and out of Moodle quizzes.


Using simple formatting rules, importing multiple-choice and true/false questions (T/F) you create into your Moodle Question bank is easy. This article covers:

  • Formatting multiple-choice and true/false questions in Microsoft Word
  • Converting questions into plain text for importing
  • Importing questions into your Moodle question bank
  • Renaming and organizing questions into categories after import
  • Exporting questions from your Moodle Question bank


Format Multiple-Choice Questions

  • To create multiple-choice questions in Microsoft Word for importing into Moodle, open Word and create a blank document. 
  • On the first line of your document, add your multiple-choice question. Avoid adding question numbers if possible, as this will create duplicate numbers in Moodle. For example:
    • What color is the sky? 
  • On the following lines, add your answer choices, using capital letters, followed by a period, to identify the choices. It's very important to ensure Word is not auto-formatting bullets, as this may affect the import process. If needed, turn auto-formatting off for this process. You can always turn it back on later. 
    • For example:
      • A. Red
      • B. Yellow
      • C. Blue
      • D. Purple
  • On the next line, type "ANSWER:" in all capital letters, followed by the letter of the correct answer choice:
    • ANSWER: C
  • Below is an image of how a properly formatted question will appear in Word.

Screenshot of example multiple choice question with proper formatting for import into Moodle

  • Leaving a space between questions, add any additional multiple-choice questions you wish to import. 

Format True/False Questions

Formatting true/false (T/F) questions in Word is very similar to multiple-choice, and T/F questions can be added to the same document. It is best practice to add questions of all one type first, then add all questions of the second type. Keep in mind that Moodle will treat T/F questions imported in this manner as multiple-choice questions that have two choices: True or False. 

  • On the first line of your document, add your T/F statement. Avoid adding question numbers, if possible, as this will create duplicate numbers in Moodle. For example:
    • The sky is blue. 
  • On the following lines, add your answer choices, using capital letters followed by parentheses, to identify the choices. For example:
    • A) True
    • B) False
  • On the next line, type "ANSWER:" in all capital letters, followed by the letter of the answer choice:
    • ANSWER: A
  • Below is an image of how a properly formatted question will appear in Word:

Screenshot of a properly formatted true/false question before importing into Moodle

  • Once you have added your questions, save your document as a Word file in case you want to come back and add more questions at a later time. 

Convert Questions

Before importing your questions into Moodle, you must convert them into a format that Moodle can recognize. Questions created in Word should be converted to plain text.

  • To convert your questions, after you have saved your file as a Word document, go to File, then Save a copy.
  • In File Format, select "plain text."
  • Click "Save."

Screenshot of Save as box with plain text selected

Aa new window will appear, prompting for more input regarding converting the document format. 

  • Make sure you click "Other encoding" and select "Unicode (UTF-8)" from the list. 
  • Click OK.
  • Note: this procedure is the same whether you are using a Mac or PC, but the window will look slightly different. 

A screenshot of the File Conversion window on a Mac, with "Other encoding" and "Unicode (UTF-8)" selected.  A screenshot of the File Conversion window on a PC, with "Other encoding" and "Unicode (UTF-8)" selected.

Following this procedure will ensure your document is in the correct format for uploading to Moodle. 

Import Questions

After converting your quiz questions into plain text format, it's time to import them into your Moodle question bank! Open your question bank by selecting "More" and "Question bank" on your Moodle course page. Select the category where you would like to import your questions. If you need to sort questions into multiple categories, you can do so after importing them. 

  • Using the drop-down menu at the top of the page, select "Import."

Screenshot of Questions menu with "Import" selected.

  • Under "File Format," select "Aiken format."

Screenshot of File format with "Aiken format" selected.

  • Under "General," make sure you have selected the category where you would like to save your questions. There is no need to change anything else in this category. The other settings direct Moodle to stop the import if there is an error in the formatting of any of the questions. 

Screenshot of the General section of the Moodle question import screen.

  • Under "Import questions from file," select the .txt file containing your questions. After selecting your file, click "Import,"

Screenshot of "import questions from file" section with a file uploaded and the import button circled

  • Moodle will import the questions. On the next screen, click "Continue."

Rename and Organize Questions

Once your questions have been imported, they should be renamed. Additionally, you can place questions into different categories if you choose to do so. 

  • By default, Moodle will name an imported question using the question itself. Rename the question by clicking the pencil icon next to the question text. Hit the return key when you are done to save your new question name. 

Screenshot of imported question with the pencil icon circled.  

  • If you plan to move any questions into a different category, select the questions by clicking the checkbox to the left of the question. 

Screenshot of imported question with the selection checkbox circled.

  • Select all the questions you want to move into a new category. At the bottom of the page, click "with selected" and select "Move to."

Screenshot of "with selected" button and "move to" highlighted

  • On the next screen, select the category where you would like to move the questions. Select "move to." This will move the questions to the new category. 

Screenshot of category selection screen with "Move to" circled.

Export Questions

You may need to export questions if you intend to use them outside of your Moodle course. 

  • Open your question bank by selecting "More" and "Question bank" on your Moodle course page.
  • Using the drop-down menu at the top of the page, select "Export."

Screenshot of question bank dropdown menu with "Export" highlighted

  • Select the file format, the export category containing the questions for export, and click "Export questions to file." Your file will download to your device in your selected format. 

Screenshot of Export screen with Aiken format selected, category selected, and "Export questions to file" circled.



Article ID: 147241
Wed 9/13/23 3:22 PM
Fri 10/25/24 1:40 PM
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