Follow the directions below if you want to use Moodle to display weighted grades in your course.
For instance, in your course you have the following grading breakdown:
- Participation - 10%
- Homework - 30%
- Quizzes - 20%
- Written Papers - 20%
- Final Exam - 20%
1.) In your Moodle course, click on 'Grades' in the Administration block

2.) Click on 'Grader Report' and select 'Gradebook Setup'

3.) In the row that states the name of your course, click the 'Edit' button (1) and (2) 'Edit settings' (2)

4.) Select the aggregation option of 'Weighted mean of grades'

- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save changes.'
5.) When you add grade items or categories into your course, you will see a 'Weights' column appear

- This is where you enter in the weight for each category or item within your course.
- If you have any questions about weighted grades in your Moodle course, please contact the Technology Service Desk at 278-5200.