Switch Zoom Free Trial to University Account

If you previously used your Elon email address for a free trial of Zoom, you can switch to Elon's licensed instance to gain full access to all of our offerings.

1. When logging into Zoom at elon.edu/zoom, you may get an email requesting you switch from your free trial to your new Elon University account. If you do receive this email, click the button to switch.

Email request to switch to Elon University Zoom account

2. When you receive the message that asks if you are accepting the invitation, click the "I Acknowledge and Switch" button.

Pop-up requesting the user to accept the switch invitation

3. Once you have done this, you should be asked to sign in. You can type in your Elon email and password, but you may need to click the "Sign in with SSO" button. Finish logging in.

  • If you click "Sign in with SSO," you will be asked to enter the domain, which should be "Elon".

Sign in screen

You should now be able to click your account icon in the top corner and see "Licensed". This should allow you to retain your settings and any recordings you might have made.

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