Video Conferencing Tips for Students

To make sure you get the most out of every virtual class session, keep the following tips in mind:

Before Class

  • Download the app for your computer or mobile device.  Although you might be able to join a meeting from the browser, not all meeting features work properly in all browsers.  
    | Zoom | Teams
  • Always login to your video conference with your Elon username and password. | Zoom | Teams
  • Keep your app up-to-date by downloading updates periodically.  | Zoom | Teams
  • Set up an intentional space: choose a quiet area, with no distractions, and no clutter. Sit with the light in front of you, not a window behind you or people won't be able to see you well. 
  • Upload a profile picture or avatar that will display when your video is turned off.  | Zoom |Teams

During Class

  • If you don't want to see your video, you can hide self view (but remember that everyone else in the class can still see you!). | Zoom | Teams
  • Use a virtual background if you don't want to show where you're working. This background will be the default background for your next Zoom meeting, so be sure to clear it when appropriate. | Zoom | Teams
  • Use video enhancements to make your video look better to other participants. | Zoom | Teams
  • If you'll be sharing your screen during class (giving a presentation or sharing a collaborative document), be sure to close other apps/tabs in your browser - everyone will be able to see these if you share your desktop.
  • If you can, use a headset with a microphone or earbuds. 
  • Whenever you're not speaking, mute your microphone to reduce background noise.
  • Use reactions and nonverbal feedback, raise your hand, and put questions or comments in the chat window. 
  • Change the video layout to customize your view of the class. |  Zoom | Teams



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