Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Moodle 4.1

Q: Do I need to do anything to transfer course data?  

A: No, it will migrate over May 24th, and you will not have to do anything. 

Q: What's the difference between the old and new interface? 

A: The main things that are different are the navigation and user experience. 

Q: When will I get access to the new Moodle 4.1?  

A: If you are teaching in the summer and your class starts between May 25th and May 31st, then you will get early access on April 11th. If you are teaching summer session 2 or in the fall, then you will join the rest of the university getting access May 24th. 

Q: Can I build my course in the current Moodle version and import it into the 4.1 early access site? 

A: Yes. You can follow the steps in the Backup your Course in Moodle article to download a .mbz file from the current Moodle site and upload the content inside your course in the Moodle 4.1 early access site by following the steps in the Import course data article. 

Q: What if I am having any issues with the new Moodle and can’t figure it out? 

A: You can contact the Teaching and Learning Technologies office and we would love to help you! Contact us by calling (336) 278-5006 or by email at

Q: The green edit button isn’t there. How do I edit my course page? 

A: Editing has moved to the top right of the page using the “Edit mode” button / switch. 

Q: Where is the Quickmail button? 

A: In your “block drawer” information on the right side of the screen. By default, this should open automatically when opening a course.  


Q: What can I do to help with the transition to Moodle 4.1? 

A: Ensure that your courses are backed up to your local machine and your course updates are all posted on the 4.1 early access site.
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