eDocs Form Completion/Review Overview

Tags forms edocs


This article will walk you through on how to submit and review an eDocs form. Frequently asked questions about eDocs are discussed below in the instructional section.

Submit a Form

  1. Go to https://edocscentral.elon.edu/

  2. Select ‘Forms’ from the left side panel 

  3. Type the form's name in the search bar at the top of the new panel or scroll through the list of forms to find the desired one.  

  4. Click on this form, it will open on the right side of the screen. 

  1. Fill out the form. The form automatically saves your progress as you navigate from one field to another. 

             Attachments (if applicable): 
             1. Click the 'Attachments' option on the bottom panel and select 'Upload Files'. 

             2. Choose the desired file(s) for upload. 

             3. Once the upload is complete, click 'Close.' A number indicating the total files successfully uploaded will then appear on the 'Attachments' button. 

  1. Review your response and click ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page when finished. Any required missing fields will be highlighted in red, complete these sections before clicking ‘Submit’ again. 

Image describing steps to submit a form.

Finish an Incomplete Form 

  1. Go to https://edocscentral.elon.edu/  

  1. Select ‘Drafts’ from the left panel. 

  1. Type the form's name in the search bar at the top of the new panel or scroll through the list of forms to find the desired one.  

  1. Click on the form, it will appear on the right side of the screen. 

  1. Finish filling out the form and click ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page when finished. 


Review a Form

  1. Go to https://edocscentral.elon.edu/ or click the link in the email from eDocs@elon.edu

  1. Select ‘Inbox’ from the left side panel (if not already opened) 

  1. Select the form you would like to review from the list 

Image describing accessing a form to review

       4. Review the contents of the form, then take the desired actions on the form (some of these actions may not be available on your form – reach out to the form owner if there is an action you want to take that is not visible to you): 

Form Action Bar

Approve Clicking ‘Approve’ will send the form to the next step in the process or finalize the form if your approval is the last step in the process.
Decline Clicking ‘Decline’ will send the form to the next step of the ‘Deny’ process, typically this would mean ending the process with a notification to the submitter of the form. Please click ‘History’ to provide a comment for others to reference.
Refer Allows the document to be sent to another Elon employee for review. Upon selecting this option, a window will appear. Begin typing the name of the intended recipient and choose their name from the drop-down menu that appears. After the selected user has reviewed the form, the document will be sent back to you.
Return Allows the document to be sent to a previous reviewer. Upon choosing this option, a window displaying a list of previous reviewers will appear. Select the individual to whom you wish to send the form, the form will continue through the process, and could be routed back to you.

Allows the document to be sent to a previous reviewer. Upon choosing this option, a window displaying a list of previous reviewers will appear. Select the individual to whom you wish to send the form, the form will continue through the process, and could be routed back to you.

Add Comments: Comments can be added to a form through the History function. All comments will be appended to the history and viewable by all who have access to the history. 

Attachments View and download any attachments.
Locked When you open a form from your inbox you block any other member of your group from reviewing the form. You can unlock the form by clicking ‘Locked.’
Download This option will generate a downloadable file containing the form, all associated attachments, and the Package (Form) History, which includes approvals, comments, and related interactions.
Print Similar to the download, this option will create a file that includes the form, attachments, and history that can be easily printed. 

Note: There may be fields on the form that need to be filled in when it is sent to you, any edits you make to the form will be viewable in the ‘Audit History.’

View a Completed Form

  1. If the form owner wants to grant access to the complete form it will be available under the Self-Service section, click on the ‘My Documents’ option on the left side panel. 

  1. Additionally, you can view the form submitted by clicking ‘Activity’ under the ‘Flow’ section in the left side panel. (You have the same ability to search to find the desired form).  



What should I do if I am not able to access https://edocscentral.elon.edu/?  

If not on campus, you will need to access eDocs through the Elon VPN (https://www.elon.edu/u/fa/technology/forms-and-policies/vpn/) 


What should I do if I am having trouble with an existing form? 

If you have a question about the content of the form. (Example: What should I put in the comments section of this form? Reach out to the form owner.)  

For all other issues please complete the eDocs: Report an Issue ticket, and an Enterprise Services team member will reach out to assist with troubleshooting. Please include a detailed description, including which form you are experiencing trouble with, when you encountered the issue, and what you experienced to help us quickly solve the issue.

What browsers support eDocs? 

Microsoft Edge Chromium, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari 


What types of files can I submit? Are there any limitations to the files I can submit? 

The attachment file size is limited to 10 MB. There is no limit to the number of attachments that can be uploaded. Supported file types: .jpg, .tif, .pdf, .xps, .jpeg, .png, .tiff, .bmp, .gif, .docx, .doc 


What is a package? 

A package represents a bundle of related items grouped for a common purpose. (A form and an attachment would be an example of a package) 


How should I reach out if I would like assistance creating a new form? 

Complete the eDocs Request form, and an Enterprise Service team member will reach out to chat about your idea!


Where can I provide feedback about eDocs in general?

Please complete this one-question survey, your response will be sent directly to our team! 



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