eDocs Cloud Migration Project

Tags edocs

eDocs was successfully migrated to the cloud environment on Friday, September 6, 2024.

Information for all eDocs users:

Information for departments who utilize eDocs Content, the document management interface of eDocs:

  • eDocs Content web address: The new eDocs Content web address is https://eloncontent.etrieve.cloud
  • Folder shortcuts: If you have a folder shortcut (for example, \\softdocweb02\provost\...), you’ll need to change the path to softdocs01.elon.edu (e.g., \\softdocs01.elon.edu\provost\....)
  • Canon copiers: If your office makes use of Canon print stations to scan and file to eDocs Content, please note that you may experience a brief delay (~5 minutes) in the eDocs filing as we are working to update each Canon.
    • If you encounter any issues, a workaround is to use the "Scan and Send" option at the Canon print station. Select "Send to Myself," and hit "Start." Once you receive the scanned document in your email, save it to a folder of your choosing and then upload the document to the eDocs file location. 

We are excited to announce that our eDocs system will be migrating to the cloud! This project involves moving all of our current on-premise content, forms, and workflows to Softdocs' secure cloud environment, ensuring improved performance, scalability, and security. Additionally, this migration will enable us to leverage new offerings from SoftDocs more quickly, ensuring you receive the latest features and improvements as they become available.  

Key Information: 

  • Migration Dates: Wednesday, September 4 - Friday, September 6

  • Downtime: eDocs will be unavailable during the migration period. This includes the ability to file documents and submit forms to the system. Please plan accordingly. 

  • Web Address Change: Following the migration, the web address for eDocs will change. If you have bookmarked the current site, you’ll need to update your bookmarks. Once the migration is complete, an announcement will be made with the new web address.  

Forms Affected

Form access varies based on user needs.  The complete list of forms impacted during this downtime is as follows:


  • Wire Transfer 


  • Petty Cash 

Financial Aid 

  • FA - Financial Aid Document Submission 


  • Confidentiality Agreement 


  • LAW Character and Fitness Supplement 
  • LAW Handbook 
  • LAW Honor Code 
  • LAW Independent Study 
  • LAW Responsibility 
  • LAW Technology 
  • LAW Upper-Level Writing Completion 
  • LAW Upper-Level Writing Intent 

Office of Sponsored Programs

  • OSP Cost Sharing Authorization Form 
  • OSP Course Buy Out 
  • OSP External Grant Submission Authorization 

Physical Therapy

  • PT Document Submission 
  • PT Elon Honor Code 
  • PT Multimedia Consent 
  • PT Student Handbook Attestation 

Physician Assistant

  • APP Faculty Advisement 
  • PA Elon Honor Code 
  • PA Faculty Advisement 
  • PA Free Text Advising Form 
  • PA Graded Activity Review Form 
  • PA Photo Release 
  • PA Record Release 
  • PA Student Advisement 
  • World Language Tutorial 


  •  Contract Cover Sheet 


  • 4990 Teaching and Learning Apprenticeship 
  • 4999 Research Form 
  • Advisor Overload 
  • Audit 
  • Chair Closed Class/Prerequisite Waiver Form 
  • Change of International Status 
  • Exam Change 
  • FERPA 
  • Grade Change 
  • Honors/Lumen 4998 
  • Incomplete Grade Contract 
  • Independent Study 
  • IRS 4998 Research 
  • Leadership 4998 
  • Micro-Credential Proposal Form 
  • Pass Fail 
  • Progress Audit Adjustment 
  • Room Change Request Form 
  • Study Abroad Course Review 
  • Summer Course Proposal 

School of Education

  • Application for Teacher Education
  • MHE Professional Development Fund Request 

What is eDocs

eDocs, powered by Softdocs' Etrieve, is our trusted document management system designed to help departments safely and securely store documents electronically and meet the demands of online forms and workflow needs. With eDocs, you can quickly scan and electronically file traditional paper-based files into an organized, secure, and easily accessible system. The system also includes a powerful forms builder and workflow engine that allows the creation of online forms that can be routed for signature and approvals in an integrated platform, providing a centralized location for all document-related records. 

Information for eDocs Content Area or eDocs Central Forms/Workflows Owners: 

Many departments on campus actively use eDocs for a variety of document management and business process needs. For those departments, here’s more information on what the project entails and how it may affect operations.  

What is changing? 

As we migrate our system and data to the cloud, your navigation and use of the eDocs system will largely remain the same. While you might notice some minor cosmetic changes after the migration, no additional information or training will be needed to continue using the system effectively.  

What is being migrated? 

eDocs Central, Content, and Security will all migrate to the cloud.  

Will any content be deleted?

No, all forms and documents in eDocs prior to the migration will remain available in eDocs (cloud) after the migration

Can I still scan documents to be filed into eDocs?  

Please refrain from scanning documents to be filed into eDocs until after the migration is complete.  

Will Auto File be impacted? 

Yes - Auto File won’t file during the migration. Please refrain from using Auto File until after the migration is complete. 

What if an approval is pending when the 3-day migration takes place? 

All pending approvals will remain intact when the system comes back online. However, please note that many notifications for approvals or other workflow steps are sent via email. After the migration, the links in any pre-migration emails will no longer be valid. Users who need to approve items should log into eDocs and navigate to the “Inbox” section to find and complete their pending approval tasks. 

My department prints checks and purchase orders (POs) that file to Content. Will that be impacted? 

No, they can still be printed during this migration, and will file when the system migration completes. 

My department utilizes reports in Entrinsik Informer and Power BI for eDocs reporting. How will those be affected? 

During the migration, we would advise not running eDocs related reports in Entrinsik Informer and PowerBI, as the data may be unreliable. The eDocs team will be working to correct all eDocs reports to point to the new data sources. While our goal is to have all reports updated once the system is back online, some may still need to be updated in the days following the migration. If you have a critical report that you need the team to prioritize, please email Claudia Sparks.   

Will I still have to be on the VPN when connecting to Content off campus? 

With this move to the cloud, you will no longer have to be on the VPN to connect to Content!  

If my department uses Doc e serve to print, will that be impacted? 

No, things like checks and purchase orders (POs) can still be printed during this migration.  

I use a folder shortcut to drop files to be imported into eDocs. Do those need to change? 

Yes, if you have a shortcut like \\softdocweb02\provost\..., you’ll need to change that shortcut once the migration is complete. In our post-migration announcement, we’ll provide the new paths for you. 

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