Technology and Onboarding for Academic Leaders

Here are various valuable tools and services you may find helpful in your role as a leader in academics. While many other technology services and tools are available, some of the most common offerings leaders find useful in their day-to-day tasks are below.

Technology and Onboarding Faculty

Technology and Onboarding Faculty is a curated list of technologies specifically focused on popular technologies utilized by Elon’s faculty and staff. Academic leaders and program assistants should use this as a starting point to explore available technologies at Elon.

Explore Technology and Onboarding Faculty

Service Offerings

Beyond the Faculty/Staff Technology Guide, another part of our website that you may find helpful as a chair is our service offerings page, which groups services into categories such as communication and collaboration, administrative systems, and instructional technologies. If you, or a faculty member, are looking for a technology solution but need clarification on what IT offers, this is a great place to start.

Explore IT’s Service Offerings

Other Tools

Beyond what you’ll find by exploring the Faculty/Staff Guide and Service Offerings, the following tools were also identified by fellow leaders as some of their ‘go-to’ sites and tools. Many of these tools are provided by others throughout the University and may not be represented on our IT site.

Bank of America Works

The Bank of America Works site is where those with a Procurement Card (P-Card) review purchases, confirm budget code allocations, and sign off on transactions. 

Learn more about the Procurement Card Program and Bank of America Works site

SPOTs and Explorance Blue

Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOTs) are administered through a product called Explorance Blue. The Provost’s Office manages the system and sends emails at various times throughout the year to prompt action from faculty and academic leaders.

Contact the Provost’s Office for more information


FixIT is the online work order tool that allows you to submit a work order to Facilities Management. You can use this system to report broken locks and clogged toilets, request keys, place a paper order, and more.

Access FixIt to submit a work order

Phoenix Connect

Campus organizations can post their news and events on the Phoenix Connect dashboard for students to see. Phoenix Connect is also the place to reserve a booth at College Coffee.

Access Phoenix Connect

Registrar’s Office Faculty Resources

The Registrar’s Office maintains a list of services and resources you’ll find useful as a department chair or faculty member.

Access the Registrar’s Office Faculty Resources list

WordPress CMS

University Communications (UC) manages the University’s websites which are hosted on our CMS, WordPress. Please contact UC for editing access to WordPress or to help you create a custom website for your class or department.

Learn more about setting up a custom Elon website