Recommended Virus & Malware Protection

It is crucial to protect your computer from malicious files

In this day and age, hundreds of millions of people access the Internet on a daily basis. With this density of people online, it is growing more crucial every day that each user take preventative measures to protect their personal computer from the malicious files transferred online. The only way to ensure that your computer is not infected is to take preventative measures now! If your computer does not have some sort of protective program on it, it will become infected with malicious files. This could lead to disastrous consequences as all of your personal data being deleted or stolen (identity fraud) OR your computer being rendered non-functional (meaning you have to buy another one)!

We recommend that you have a small series of antivirus and anti-spyware programs downloaded on your computer at all times. Sometimes having a variety of these programs on your computer can cause compatibility issues, but the programs we have recommended below work fine together. Please download, install, and update the following programs frequently in order to ensure that your computer is effectively protected against malicious files:

Recommended Virus & Malware Protection

Virus Protection (Mac and Windows)

Faculty and Staff


  • Recommended - Microsoft Defender - Antivirus Application for PC
  • Recommended - Sophos or Avast anti-virus is recommended for Mac

Malware Protection (Mac and Windows)

What should I do if I suspect that I have a virus or spyware?

Run one of the recommended programs above. Alternatively, contact the Technology Service Desk for assistance.

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Related Services / Offerings (2)

Report an issue with virus scans on your Elon University owned device.
Report an issue with virus scans on your Elon University owned device.

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