Add an Image to a Blog Post

1.) To add an image, click "Add Media" while editing a blog post

To add an image, click "Add Media" while editing a blog post

2.) Click "Select Files" or drag the image onto the window

Click "Select Files" or drag the image onto the window

3.) Select the image you want to insert

Select the image you want to insert

Fill in the details for the image, specifically the Title and Alt Text.

  • Title: name the image
  • Alt Text: describe the image

4.) Click Insert into post

Click Insert into post

  • Or, click on "Edit Image" to crop or rotate the image.

5.) Align the image

Click the alignment buttons to set alignment for the image

  • The image can be aligned to the left, right or center of the blog post using the alignment icons.

6.) Resize the image

Click the resize button to resize the image

  • Change the size of the image by clicking the image and selecting the image icon.

7.) Select the new size

Set the new size for the image

  • Click "Update" when finished.

8.) Edit the image

Make any edits you wish to make to the photo

  • You can edit the image by deleting it from the post and re-inserting it. To delete it, click on the image and click on the red delete icon.
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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Elon’s blog service, located at, utilizes the WordPress platform to give Elon faculty, staff, and students an easy tool for online writing.

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