
Elon’s blog service, located at, utilizes the WordPress platform to give Elon faculty, staff, and students an easy tool for online writing. Our blog service is intended for professors who want to integrate writing assignments into their curriculum or departments that want to utilize blogging’s informal writing tone for communicating announcements, how-tos, or other information that doesn’t necessarily fit on official webpages.

If you're experiencing trouble with a blog, select "Report an Issue" and complete the form.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students

Intended for course or departmental-use only; personal or student organization blogs are currently not supported. 

Benefits & Key Features

  • Easily post text, images, videos, links, and other materials
  • Work with IT to import your class roster
  • Common Elon-branded theme
  • Administration, including updates and security, is handled by Elon
  • Blogs can be public or private
  • Comments can be turned on or off
  • Elon login integration


There is no cost for this service.

Report an Issue

Related Articles (12)

Overview configuring WordPress for mobile devices.
Information on how to add an image to a blog post.
Overview of how to add Elon users to a blog.
Discusses how to add non-Elon users to blogs.
Overview on adding video to a blog post.
Shows how to post a comment in a WordPress blog.
Overview of editing and publishing posts in WordPress.
Provides an overview of how to write a good blog post.
Provides an overview of removing users from a WordPress blog.
Discusses how to reset your password for
Provides options for personal or student organization website/blog use.
Overview of how to write a WordPress blog.

Attachments (0)

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