Edit & Publish WordPress Blog Posts

Editing a post

From the Dashboard, click on "Posts." This will show you a list of your posts currently in the blog, including “drafts” not currently published on the blog. As you pass your cursor over the post titles, a list of actions that you are authorized to perform on the posts will appear right beneath the title.

Select “Edit” for the appropriate post, which will take you to the posting page for that post.

Underneath your blog post, you can click Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, or View for actions to take on your blog post.

Update a post

There you can make your edits and then re-publish, i.e. “Update” (1). If you haven't published the post yet, click on "Publish."

You can update the post by clicking the Update button or you can publish it by clicking on Publish.

Editing an unpublished post

If you are editing an unpublished post (a draft), click on “Save Draft” (1) again or “Publish” (2) the post to the blog.

To edit an unpublished post, click on Save Draft to save your changes, or click Publish to publish the post.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Elon’s blog service, located at blogs.elon.edu, utilizes the WordPress platform to give Elon faculty, staff, and students an easy tool for online writing.

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