Access WordPress on Mobile Devices

You can add content to your Elon WordPress blog using a mobile device. There are two options: using the mobile version of the website or downloading an app. For most situations, the mobile website is the better option. The app is useful in areas without consistent internet access because it allows you to write posts without an Internet connection. Keep in mind the posts will not be added to the blog until internet connection is restored and the post is uploaded. 

Best option - Mobile website

Access the mobile website by opening a web browser and entering and log in with your Elon username and password. Alternatively, go directly to your blog by entering - replace yourbloglink with the address to your blog.

Another option - iOS and Android apps

Apps are available for Android phones and tablets and iPhones and iPads.

Once the app is installed on your device, you’ll need to point it to your blog. The screenshots below may look a little different on your device. However, the steps should be similar for your device.

Directions for configuring the Wordpress mobile app

1.) Click on Self-Hosted Blog 

Click the Add-Self Hosted Blog button

2.) Use the following credentials to access your blog:

  • URL: Enter the complete web address for your blog. Example:
  • Username: Elon user name
  • Password: Elon password
  • Geotagging: optional – this will add your location to your blog post

Enter the the URL address for your blog, your Elon username, your Elon password, and if you would like Geotagging

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Elon’s blog service, located at, utilizes the WordPress platform to give Elon faculty, staff, and students an easy tool for online writing.

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