- To dial a university phone number, you only need to dial the last 4 digits of the university extension
- To dial an off-campus phone number, dial "8" and then the phone number
- To dial an off-campus long distance phone number, dial "8+1+areacode+phone number"
- Dial "0" for the switchboard
- To dial an off-campus international phone number, dial "8+011+Country Code+Area Code+Phone Number"
Residence Hall Phones
- Student dorm rooms do not have active phone jacks, however, the common areas do have a local line.
- Common area phones can make local calls and emergency calls
- Common area phones cannot receive phone calls
Moving Office Phones
Users have the ability to move Cisco IP phones.
If moving Cisco IP Phones to a new location, please remember:
When disconnecting, disconnect cables from ports on the back of the phone
Move cables and phone to the new location
Contact the Technology Service Desk if you have problems when reconnecting your phone in the new location
There are two jacks on the back of most phones. Please DO NOT connect both jacks to the wall. This is not necessary and will create a physical network loop that can take down major parts of the network. The only jack that needs to go to the wall is the one with a symbol that looks like 3 connected boxes. This jack goes to the wall. The other jack is for a user to plug in a computer and is labelled with a one box. Always contact TSD if you're not sure.