Matlab at Elon University

How to Get Matlab

Elon University is pleased to announce the offering of MATLAB and Simulink through our campus-wide license. All faculty, researchers, and students are eligible to download and install these products on their university computers as well as their personally-owned computers.

Faculty and Students Machines

Download the Installer

  1. Access Elon's Portal for Matlab
  2. Go to the Download MATLAB section and click Get started now
  3. Create/Log in MathWorks Account
  4. Complete Profile Form
  5. Download Matlab

Install and Activate

  1. Locate the installer you downloaded in a file browser. It should be located in the default download location, unless you specified another location. The name of the installer file is:
    • Windows: matlab_<release>_win64.exe
    • Mac OS X: matlab_<release>
      Where <release> represents the release number.
  2. Start the installer:
    • Windows: Double-click the installer file you downloaded in the previous
      step. The Windows Self-Extractor runs, and then the installer starts.
    • Mac OS X: Double-click the installer file you downloaded in the previous
      step. This action extracts the files and creates another folder called
      matlab_<release>_maci64, where <release> represents the release number.
      Inside this folder, double-click InstallForMacOSX to start the
  3. In the MathWorks installer, select Log in with a MathWorks Account
  4. When prompted to do so, select license 40586245 Individual License, Academic-Total Headcount
  5. Select the products you want to download and install
  6. After downloading and installing your products, keep the Activate MATLAB checkbox selected and click Next
  7. When asked to provide a user name, verify that the displayed user name is correct. Continue with the process until
    activation is complete

Read more about additional installation instructions.

Research, Student Worker or General Use Machines

Please call the Service Desk at X5200 and put in a work order to get Matlab installed and licensed properly.

Renewing your license

To update the License File in MATLAB (internet connection required): 
Go to Help > Licensing > Update Current Licenses 

To update the License File in the License Center: 

  1. Access the MathWorks License Center here: (log-in required)
  2. Select TAH license 40586245
  3. Click on the "Activation and Installation" tab below
  4. Click on the Activation Label for the activation you wish to validate
  5. Click on the "Get License File" button. Select to either email or download the license file.
  6. Once downloaded, open MATLAB and go to Help > Licensing > Activate Software
  7. Select to Activate without using the internet
  8. Browse to a copy of the newest license file saved. MATLAB should now run without displaying the "due to expire" message.

For issues related to your MATLAB installation, contact MathWorks Support.

Matlab Resources Kit

Access free, self-paced training to get started in less than 2 hours: MATLAB Onramp.

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