Housing Deposit Payments

This housing reservation fee is for currently enrolled students participating in returning student housing selection in February and March.

Incoming first-year students should not pay the $125 housing deposit. The $500 enrollment deposit covers your housing fee for your first year. If you have questions regarding what fees you owe, please speak with your admissions counselor. Housing information will be mailed in April.

Step 1

Login to the Elon University Student Account site by entering your University ID and password. If you have an authorized user then they can login with their email and password to pay the deposit.

Step 2

Click on the Deposits tab.

It's very important to use the "Deposits" tab when making your housing deposit payment. The system will not recognize a regular e-payment as a deposit. If you make this mistake please contact the Residence Life office at 336.278.7300.

Step 3

Select the Housing Deposit term and payment type from the drop down boxes and then click Select.

  • Choose Fall for the term
  • Choose Housing Deposit for the payment type

Step 4

Once you choose the housing deposit type, it will bring in the amount. Click on Make Deposit Payment.

Step 5

Select a Payment Method by choosing either electronic check or credit card.

Step 6

When you're ready to submit payment, do so. You will receive a payment confirmation.

Step 7

Make sure you Logout

Email confirmation

You will receive an email message from the Bursar’s office (bursar@elon.edu) similar to the example below.

This is an automated message to confirm that your payment has been submitted.
Please note that this payment is subject to approval and final verification.
======== PAYMENT DETAILS ========
Student Name — [ Test Student ] Student Account — [ Housing Deposit ] Term — [ Fall 2020 ] Payment Method — [ xxxxxxxxx#### ] Amount — [ $125.00 ] =================================

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