Psychology and Human Service Studies 136

Tags phss phsb

Room Summary

Photo of the PHSB 136 room number    Equipment Rack



This room is located in the middle of the hallway in the Psychology and Human Service Studies Building. It is a conference room and study space with seating for 18 people.

How to Use Room: Base Level Operations

  1. Turn on the computer by pressing the power button located on the back bottom left of the monitor.
  2. Turn on the touch panel controller by tapping the panel. It will take about 30 seconds to warm up.
  3. Log into the computer using your Elon username and password.
  4. Select your desired input using the touch panel controller (CMPTR, DVD, TV, or CD).
  5. Turn off the computer by clicking the shut down button in the bottom right corner of the screen and then select the "Shut Down" option.
  6. Turn off the touch panel controller by tapping the power button located on the top right of the panel.

Available Technology

Below is a list of the technology available in Psychology and Human Service Studies 136.

Equipment Manufacturer Model/Type
Touch Panel Control  Crestron TSW-750-TTK-B-S
Computer Dell OptiPlex 5250 AIO
Projector NEC M352WS
Projector Screen Da-Lite Contour
Wall Plate Crestron DM-TX-200-2G
VCR/DVD Player Toshiba DVR620
AirMedia Creston AM-200
Laptop Connectivity HDMI, VGA, Audio  


1.) Touch Panel Control (Crestron)

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Touch the power button on the top right side of the touch panel to turn on the system.
    Crestron panel start page
  2. The system will take 30 seconds to warm up.
  3. Use the touch panel control to select the desired input.
  4. To turn the system off, press the power button located on the top right of the touch panel control.
    Crestron panel shut down prompt
  5. Select the "YES Shut Down System" button to turn off the system.
    Click on the images above to enlarge.

Desktop Instructions

Crestron panel with desktop input

  1. Tap on the Computer tab, then select the "Desktop" option on the touch panel control.
  2. Ensure that the computer is on. Log in using your Elon username and password.
Click on the images above to enlarge.

Laptop Instructions

Crestron with laptop input selected

  1. Tap on the Computer tab, then select the appropriate "Laptop" option on the touch panel control depending on which cord type you will use.
  2. Plug your device into the wall plate using an HDMI cord or the VGA and audio cords. These can be found in the cabinet below the desktop.
  3. Ensure that your device is on.
    Click on the images above to enlarge.

AirMedia Instructions

  1. Select the "AirMedia" option on the touch panel control which is within the Computer input tab.
    Crestron with airmedia input selected
  2. A page similar to the one shown below will be displayed on the projector screen.
  3. If you are using a Mac and require sound to be played through the room speakers, you will need to download SoundFlower. Click here for instructions on how to download it.
  4. Type the IP address displayed at the bottom of the screen into a browser on your personal device.
  5. If you have not used AirMedia before, download it by clicking on the respective buttons.
  6. Type in the Room Code that is projected at the bottom left of the screen into the input box on your device.
  7. Click on the "Connect" button, and your device's screen will appear on the projected screen.
  8. To stop presenting, click on the disconnect button.
    Click on the image above to enlarge.

DVD/VCR Instructions

  1. Select the "DVD/VCR" option on the touch panel control.
    Crestron with DVD input selected
  2. On the touch panel control, there will be a remote control displayed, as shown above.
  3. Put your DVD or VCR in the player located in the rack in the cabinet.
  4. Use the buttons of the control to control the DVD/VCR player.
    Click on the images above to enlarge.

TV Instructions

  1. Select the "TV" option on the touch panel control.
    Crestron with TV input selected
  2. On the touch panel there will be a remote system to use to change channels.
    Click on the images above to enlarge.

CD Instructions

  1. Select CD from the touch panel control.
    Crestron with CD input selected
  2. Insert CD into the DVD player on the rack in the cabinet.


2.) Computer (Dell)

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Turn on the computer by pressing power button which is located on the bottom right side of the computer monitor.
  2. Login using your Elon username and password.
  3. To mirror the image onto the projector screen, select the desktop input on the touch panel control.
  4. To turn off the computer, press the power icon which can be found in the windows start menu.


3.) Wall Plate (Crestron)

Photo of the crestron wall plate showing connections for a USB drive, hdmi connection, vga and audio connection

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Connect the device to the wall plate using the HDMI or Composite cords.
    Photo of the VGA and audio cables available in the space Photo of the vga and audio cables connected to the wall plate
    Photo of the hdmi cable available in the space Photo of the hdmi cable connected to the wall plate
  2. The Composite connection cords are found in the cabinet, but the HDMI cords must be brought.
  3. Once the device is connected to the inits select the appropriate connection type on the touch panel controller.


4.) Projector (NEC)

Photo of the ceiling mounted projector

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Touch the touch screen control to turn on the system. The system will take 30 seconds to warm up.
  2. Use the touch screen control to select the desired input (CMPTR, DVD/VCR, TV, CD).
  3. The projector will display whatever is selected on the touch screen control.
  4. Turn the system off by pressing the System Off button located on the top right side of the touch screen control.


Additional Room Features

  • This room has a portable white board available for use.