Junk Mail Folder via O365 Online Web Access

Not getting emails that you should be?

If you are not getting email in your Elon email inbox that are expecting to get, the Microsoft Outlook filter may be sending these emails to your junk mail folder instead of your inbox.

To determine if the missing emails are being sent to your junk mail folder
  1. Open the Internet browser of your choosing and go to email.elon.edu
  2. Using your Elon email username and password, log into Office 365 (on the right).
  3. In the left navigation pane, click Junk Email.

You are now viewing your junk mail folder. If your emails were mistakenly sent to your junk mail, you can view them here. If you are able to view the email in junk mail, proceed to step 4 of the What to Do section to learn how to recover the emails.

If the emails are not displayed here, then they were not delivered to your junk mail folder.

What to do

To recover emails from your junk mail folder

If emails were mistakenly sent to your junk mail folder instead of your inbox, follow these instructions to have the emails delivered to your inbox.

  1. Open the Internet browser of your choosing and go to email.elon.edu
  2. Using your Elon email username and password, log into Office 365 (on the right).
  3. In the left navigation pane, click Junk Email.
  4. Select the email or emails you want to recover.
  5. Drag them to the folder labeled Inbox in the left navigation pane.

The emails now appear in your inbox.


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