1.) Sign in to PhoenixCONNECT

2.) Find your organizations page via the 'Organization Directory' or the Action Center
To access the 'Action Center' select the switchboard in the upper right corner of the home page and select 'Manage.' 
3.) Expand the drawer on the left side of the screen and select 'Forms'

4.) Select 'Create Form'

5.) Identify the name of the form, the date range that you'd like the form to be available, if you'd like the form to be active, and if you'd like to allow multiple submissions

6.) Identify who should have access to the form by checking the box to the left of each option
7.) Select 'Save' or "Save and Add Questions'

8.) Select the format of the question you'd like to add to the form on the lower half of the page
Question types include: Check Box List, Radio Button List, Text Field, Drop Down List, Instructions, Single Check Box, Ranking, and File Upload.
9.) Type in text for the question/answer set if applicable and select 'OK'
10.) Select a question and the 'Edit Icon' to make adjustments
11.) Select 'OK' when all edits have been made
12.) Repeat the above steps as needed for each question you would like to add to Page 1
13.) Select the Page List button above the added questions to add more pages to the form
14.) Select the '+ Page' button to add a page to your form
15.) Select the 'Page Properties' button to edit a page name, select whether or not you would like to show the back button, and/or add conditional logic to your form page
16.) Repeat steps as needed to add additional pages
17.) Click 'Back to Forms' once your form has been completed