File Share in Google Drive

1.) Select the file

2.) Click 'Share'


Image shows list of files in Google Drive


3.) Click 'Advanced' for additional options 

Image shows search bar to enter names and email addresses

4.) Invite people to view the file by filling out the form and clicking 'Send'

Image of shared settings; with 1 as the change option, 2 as invite people, 3 as can edit, 4 as notify people via email, 5 as add message, and 6 as send a copy to myself.

  1. Change... - See To Change Permissions below!

  2. Invite people - Enter email addresses or names associated with your Google Account address book to select users to share the file with

  3. Can Edit - You can specify if you want users to be able to edit the document, comment on the document, or only view the document by clicking the 'Can edit' link

  4. Notify people via email - You can deselect the option to notify users by email (not recommended)

  5. Add message - You can add a message to include with the file being shared

  6. Send a copy to myself - You can opt to send a copy of the email to yourself as well


5.) To Change Permissions - Set the permissions from the document based on your needs and click 'Save'

Image of sharing settings


6.) Your file has been shared - you can click 'Done'! Your recipients will receive an email like below, and they should click the link to view the file:

Image of shared email notice

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