Create Events in the Events Management Application

1. Creating a one-time event

Creating a one-time event is a simple process. Click on the Add New Event button on the Manage Events screen to create a new event.

Field Descriptions:

  • Event Name - Enter the name of the event

  • Location - Enter the location of the event

  • Start Date - Select the event's start date by clicking on the calendar icon

  • Start Time - Select the event's start time.

  • End Date - Select the event's end date by clicking on the calendar icon

  • End Time - Select the event's end time

  • Is this a recurring event? - Select 'Yes' or 'No'

  • Website - Enter the URL you would like for attendees to visit to learn more about the event

  • Event Category - Select the category of the event. Note: If you did not specify any event categories for your event type, the default category is Meeting.


2. Creating a recurring event

If your event occurs frequently on the same day or over a certain length of time you can create a recurring event. Click on the Add New Event button on the Manage Events screen to create a new event. Select yes to the ‘Is this a recurring event?’ question. The recurrence pattern section will then appear to enter details of the recurring event.

Image of the event recurrence screen

Field Descriptions: The Elon Events Management System considers each event recurrence a meeting.

  • Is the recurrence on the same day? - Select 'Yes' or 'No'

  • Time length (in mins) - This is the total time of the individual meeting plus any time needed between the next meeting.

  • Meeting length (in mins) --This is the time of each meeting. If there is no time between meetings where the time length is the same as the meeting time, you can just enter the time in the time length box and leave the meeting length blank.

  • Daily – If the event happens daily you can choose whether it happens every day or every week day. See the Daily screen.
    Image of the daily recurrence selection

  • Range - Enter the date by which all of the events should end


3. Event Contact Information

You can designate a primary and secondary contact for your event. Once a title is selected, you can enter the name of the contact. The primary contact has a email address which provides a way for attendees to communicate with the primary contact. If no primary contact email is entered, the contact email address will default to the event creator's email address.
Image of Event Contact Information form


4. Entering Guest Information

Image of Guest Information fields
Guest Information Fields Described* Unlimited Attendees – check this box if no maximum number of attendees to this event

  • Max # of Attendees – Enter the maximum number of attendees to the event, if the max number of attendees is reached, the event is considered full and no one else is allowed to register. Note: If you provide a link to a specific event and the max number of attendees has been reached, the event will no longer appear in the list of upcoming events.

  • How many guests do you want to allow? – Enter the maximum number of guests each attendee can bring (ex. If each person can bring up to 2 guests, select 2 from the drop-down menu)

  • Would you like users to invite others to the event? - This gives users the ability to invite others to the event. The user will simply enter the invitee’s email address as an invitation to the event.

  • Group Search – The checkboxes allow the attendee to search for a person in a specific group. Select the All Groups checkbox to allow the attendee to search for a person that is a student, employee or alumni.


5. Payment Option

Image of Payment Option fields
Payment Option Fields Described* Is this a paid event? – Select whether or not this event is a paid event. Will attendees have to pay to attend this event?

  • Do you want to exclude online payment? – Even though you may have a paid event, you may not want users to pay online. Choose yes if you wish to exclude attendees from paying online. As part of the event details you will need to instruct them on when and how to pay for the event. Note: Paid events that include online payments must have a valid PayPal account. If online payment is desired and your event type has not set up a PayPal account to use in the Elon Events & Sign-up Management system, please email to learn the process of setting up an account and its associated costs.

  • Add Pricing Category – Click on this link to add a pricing category. If an event only has one price for all attendees you will probably only have one pricing category but if there are multiple prices like one price for students and another price for Alumni you would create pricing categories for each price.

  • Pricing Category – This is where you give the pricing category a name. A good convention would be to add the pricing amount to this name (ex. Students - $10.00 or Alumni - $15.00). Attendees will be able to select their pricing option when signing up for the event.
    Amount – This is where you give the pricing category a price.

  • Add Category – Once you are satisfied with the pricing category name and its amount, click this button to actually add the pricing category.


6. Attendee Additional Input

The Additional Attendee Input is a useful feature if there is more information you would like from your attendees. For example, if your event is providing refreshments, you may want to know if the attendees are vegetarians or you may want to ask if they have any special needs. All attendee input can be printed to a report.

Image fo Additional Questions for Attendee fields


7. Event Completion

Field Descriptions: (see below for screen image)

  • Description – This is the description of the event

  • Reminder Email Text – Enter any text you would like for attendees to see in their reminder email

  • Days prior to event reminder sent – Select the number of days prior to the event you would like for an event reminder to be sent to attendees

  • Days prior to event sign-up cut off – Select the number of days prior to the event attendees can no longer sign up for the event

  • Image Upload – You may choose an image to include in your event details.

  • Set Live Now! – Check this box to make the event available for users to sign up

  • Add Event – When all event details have been made, click this button to add the event.

  • Preview Event – This button allows you to preview the event. This preview is what a user will see when signing up for an event.
    Image of Reminder Email Text box

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Elon's Events Management app allows users to sign up for events, invite others to events, and view upcoming and past events.

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