Sign-Up for Events in the Event Management Application

Upon a successful login you can view upcoming Elon events, view your upcoming events for which you have registered, view your account information and view your past events. Note: you may be given a specialized web address for specific events by an event creator that will take you straight to the event after logging in. See the Show Upcoming screen. Select an Event Group to view upcoming events. If there are any upcoming events you will see them listed. You can then view details of each event and sign up, if you wish. Upcoming Elon events can be hidden. To hide upcoming Elon events click on (Hide Upcoming Elon Events…). To show upcoming events again, click on (Show Upcoming Elon Events…).

Image of upcoming events


Once you have selected an Event Group you will see a list of upcoming events. Click on the Image of magnifiying glass icon to view the event details and to sign up for the event. The Sign-up for Event section (screen shot shown below) is where you can sign up for the event.

Image of event sign up page 1 of 2Image of Event sign up page 2 of 2


Field Descriptions:

  • Payment Option - If the event requires a payment choose a payment option
  • Number of additional persons in your party – Not every event allows guests. If the event does, you may select the number of additional people you will be bringing to this event.
  • Calculate total - You can press the Calculate Total button at any time to re-calculate your total after adding guests or changing a payment option.
  • Additional Information – Some events will require you to answer questions specific to that event such as if you have any food allergies.
  • Complete Sign-up – Click this button when you are ready to save your registration for the event. You will receive an email confirmation which gives you the name, date, time, location and details of the event. Also in this email is a link if you would like to cancel your attendance or if you wish to add this event to your calendar. A reminder email will be sent to you prior to the event date.
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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Elon's Events Management app allows users to sign up for events, invite others to events, and view upcoming and past events.

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