View Upcoming Events in the Events Management Application

1.) Viewing Events

Once you have signed up for an event you can view your completed sign up for the event. Click on the Image of magnifying glass icon. You will see your personal information again along with any of your guests. If you have not reached the maximum number of guests you may add more guests by selecting the number from Number of additional persons in your party drop-down menu. You may enter their information and press the Complete Sign-up button to update your event signup. Note: You do not have access to delete a guest. The contact person of the event can delete the guest for you.


2.) Inviting Others

Some events allow you to invite others. This invitation simply informs them of the events but does not sign them up. An email will be sent to the email address that you provide and the invited person must log in to sign up. To determine if an event you have signed up for allows you to invite others, go to the main screen by clicking on the Back to My Events link at the top right of the screen. In the My Upcoming Events section you may see several icons. If the Image of pencil mail icon icon is present, you may click on it to invite others.

Image of My Upcoming Events screen

After clicking the Image of pencil mail icon icon, the Invite Others screen appears. This screen allows you to enter email addresses of people you would like to invite. If searching for an Elon student, employee or alumni is allowed, the search section will appear. Select a group to search for and enter the person’s last name. Then click on the Find! button. If students with that last name are found, a list of names appears. Press the Select link to place their email address in the Email Address box. You can add a personal greeting to be sent in the email. Click on the Send Email button to send the email.

Image of how to invite others


3.) Canceling Events

Some events allow you to cancel your sign up. In the My Upcoming Events section you will see the Image of cancel icon icon to cancel your sign up of an event. After pressing this icon, a message will appear asking if you are sure you want to cancel your attendance to the event. Select OK to cancel your attendance or Cancel to remain signed up for the event.

Image of cancel confirmation message


4.) Internet Calendar

You can choose to add this event to your mail calendar by creating an internet calendar (iCalendar) file. After clicking on the Image of calendar icon icon, an email will be sent to you with an attached .ics file. You can then import this file to your email calendar.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Elon's Events Management app allows users to sign up for events, invite others to events, and view upcoming and past events.

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