Problems with Mailing Lists

Users may have problems adding or deleting members from mailing lists. There are two reasons that this may occur:

Reason 1

The autocomplete entry for the is cached in your Microsoft Outlook client and is still trying to send email to the old internal mail server. The bounce error will contain information similar to this (but not necessarily exactly):

#550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound; not found #

If this occurs, the autocomplete cache for the listserv needs to be deleted from the cache:

  1. Compose a new message and start typing "". As you begin to type the entry will automatically fill in and you will see an 'X' to the right of the entry. Click the 'X' to delete the entry.
  2. Close the message you are composing (don't save changes or draft if asked).
  3. Compose a new message and completely type the "" address into the field again. (If it begins to autocomplete, complete steps 1-3 until it no longer autocompletes and you manually type in the entire address)

Reason 2

Outlook automatically completes email addresses in emails so they are "clickable" within the body of the message. When you add or delete users from your mailing list, Outlook will autocomplete their address, turning it blue and underlined when you hit enter. What this actually does is change the command that is sent to the list server and makes your attempt to add or delete a user an error. The message will be similar to this:

> Del LISTNAME<><username@ELON.EDU> is not subscribed to the LISTNAME

  1. Right-click the autocompleted email address (underlined in blue) and choose 'Remove Hyperlink.' This will need to be completed for each user that is autocompleted.

Alternatively, you could follow these steps in Outlook:

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Under 'Help,' click 'Options.'
  3. Click 'Mail.'
  4. Under 'Compose Messages,' click the 'Editor Options.'
  5. Under 'Autocorrect options,' click 'Autocorrect Options.'
  6. Click the 'Autoform As You Type' tab.
  7. Select the AutoFormat Tab at the top and under the 'Replace' section header, uncheck the box for 'Internet and network paths with hyperlinks.'
  8. Select the 'AutoFormat As You Type' tab at the top and under the 'Replace as you type' section header, uncheck the box for 'Internet and network paths with hyperlinks.'


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