Boot Camp Setup & Dual Booting

What is Boot Camp?

See: Boot Camp Information

Setup Requirements

In order to use Boot Camp, and dual boot Mac and Windows 10, it is required that Mac OS X 10.14 (Mojave) or later be installed. The software is not available for any previous version of the operating system.


Apple Listed Requirements

  • An Intel-based Mac with the latest firmware (Newer M1/M2 chips are not supported)
  • The lastest macOS updates for OS X v10.14 Mojave or higher
  • 64 GB or more free hard disk space
  • A full version of one of the following OSs:
    • Windows 10 Home 64-bit
    • Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

What will be involved?

Ultimately, the following will be involved in setting up Boot Camp.

  • Obtain a copy of the Windows operating system software.
  • Have any other Windows software ready. (Example: Microsoft Office 2016)
  • A printed copy of the Boot Camp Installation & Setup Instructions

Once you have all of this ready, you're ready for the setup.

  • Open Finder
  • Navigate to the Applications -> Utilities directory
  • Locate and open the Boot Camp Assistant application 
  • Follow all instructions located in the Boot Camp Installation & Setup Instruction Guide.
    • This process covers the setup of Boot Camp, the repartitioning of the hard drive, as well as the installation and setup of Windows.
  • Once this process is complete, you can access your Windows installation by holding down Option (or Alt) while the Mac is booting up. You will then have the option to boot to either the Mac or the Windows partition.
  • Once you have loaded Windows, you may then install Microsoft Office or any other Windows only applications.


  • The Boot Camp setup process has been streamlined for the everyday user, however there's always a chance something can go wrong. Therefore it's not recommended for novice users to attempt this installation.
    • Faculty/Staff members must have a work order put in for a Mac technician in Team Dynamix.
  • Since the Boot Camp setup involves repartitioning the drive, it's highly recommended that important data is backed up before this setup is completed.

See Also

Official Apple Boot Camp Information

Print Article

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