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Submit a New Purchase Request
Submit a New Purchase Request
This application works best with the Chrome browser.
1. Visit
Elon Purchase Requisition
and click "New Purchase Request".
2. Fill out the requisition information as appropriate.
Search for people by First name only, Last name only, or Elon Username. Searching First name followed by Last name will not produce results.
Requester: This will populate with your first and last name followed by user name.
Deliver To: This is the person who will receive the product or service.
First Approver: This is the first person that needs to review and approve the request. This may be the person who manages the account the purchase will be charged against. The
Budget Manager
should be included in the approval process.
Budget Year: This is where you select the appropriate budget year.
Delivery Date Required: This is where you specify the date you need the product or service by.
3. Fill out the vendor information following the appropriate path for new vendor information or previous vendor information. Select from the search results for a previous vendor.
Previous Vendor:
Use the Vendor search functionality to save typing. Enter at least the first 3 characters of the name or doing-business-as name and all matches will appear. Select one of these to fill the vendor information from existing data. The matches appear with the format [Name] operating as [Doing Business As]. If a company does not have an alternate DBA, just the legal name appears.
Name: This is the legal name for the company. The name that matches the company's tax id number. If it is a previous vendor, the other fields will automatically populate for you.
Doing Business As: This field will auto-populate if the company goes by a name other than its legal one.
New Vendor:
If you are purchasing from a new vendor, a
Vendor Set-up Form
needs to be completed and attached in the supporting documentation.
Name: This is the legal name for the company. The name that matches the company's tax id number. As you type the company’s name, you will notice the choices. If you have typed the company’s full name and another name is populated, click that company name as it is the legal name (the name you typed should then populate in the Doing Business As field). If no company name populates or if you know it’s a new vendor, you will be required to add an address and to check the box for “change saved vendor data”.
Doing Business As: Leave this field blank. Purchasing will complete this field.
Address 1: Required field.
City: Required field.
State: Required field.
Postal Code: Required field.
Changed Saved Vendor Data: Check this box to save the new vendor information.
4. Fill out the Contact information and Vendor Copy sections as appropriate.
Contact information fields are required if "EMAIL this P.O. to the vendor" or "FAX this P.O. to the vendor" is marked.
5. Fill out the Line Items as appropriate.
Qty: This a numerical value of how many units.
Part number: Complete this when a part number is available.
Description: This is where you describe the product or service.
Unit Price: This is the price per unit. The total price will be calculated.
Do not include sales tax when entering Unit Prices. While sales tax is not included on the purchase request, sales tax is paid.
Add additional line items by clicking the + button. Remove the last line item by clicking the - button.
Do not add line items for discount, labor/installation, and shipping. There are sections on the form allocated specifically for those amounts.
Discount: If there is a discount given by the vendor, put the dollar amount in this field.
Labor/Installation: Add labor/installation fees (this could be event setups and takedowns) in this field.
Shipping: If the vendor provides shipping fees, add them to this field.
6. Enter the 12 digit budget code.
The system will verify that the number entered matches an existing budget code. The department name and account name will appear to the right. You do not need to add dashes (“-“) in the budget code as they will populate for you.
Add additional budget codes by clicking the + button. Remove the last budget code by clicking the - button.
The grand total populates beside of the first budget code. If more than one budget code is used, the amount will need to be split manually.
7. Answer the four questions in the additional information section.
Is this a technology purchase?: Please select the appropriate response. IT receives a notification when a response of yes is indicated. If you inaccurately select no and the purchase is indeed a technology purchase, the approval process will be slowed down.
Are you using External Grant Funds? : Please select the appropriate response. Accounting receives a notification when a response of “Yes” is indicated. If you inaccurately select “No” and the purchase does indeed use External Grant Funds, Purchasing has to manually forward the request to Accounting and the approval process will be slowed down.
Does this purchase have a contract? : Please select the appropriate response. A response of “Yes”, requires that you answer the next question. A response of “No”, populates a response of “No” for the next question.
Has the contract been executed? : Please select the appropriate response. If you respond “Yes”, be sure to attach the executed contract in the supporting documentation section. Purchasing is unable to process payment unless the contract has been executed.
8. Attach supporting documentation and click save. This is required.
Examples of supporting documentation include contracts, terms and conditions, quotes, and invoices.
Files names should not contain parentheses.
Acceptable file types include: pdf, jpg, png, gif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, txt, eml
Maximum file size is 4 MB
To attach multiple files:
Place all files within the same folder on your computer.
Click “Choose Files” within the purchase request form.
Locate the files on your machine.
If you are on a PC: Hold control while clicking the appropriate files.
On a Mac: Hold both shift and command while clicking the appropriate files.
Click “Open”
9. Fill out the Comments section as appropriate:
Comments to be printed on P.O.: These comments are printed on the P.O. and are visible to the vendor. Examples include quotes, quote number, invoice number, special delivery instructions.
Non-printed comments: These comments will not be printed on the P.O. and are visible to budget managers and the Purchasing department.
10. Click Save or Save and Submit.
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Check out this article I found in the Client Portal knowledge base.<br /><br /><a href="https://elon.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1947/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=83057">https://elon.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1947/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=83057</a><br /><br />Submit a New Purchase Request<br /><br />Submitting a New Purchase Request at Elon.
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