Review Purchase Requests Awaiting Approval

1.  Visit Elon Purchase Requisition


2.  Click "Requests Waiting for Review". 

Requests Waiting for Review Button highlighted

3.  Click "View" located to the left of the purchase request to see additional information.  


4.  Review all submitted information including any attachment(s).  You may edit budget code(s).    

Add additional budget codes by clicking the + button.  Remove the last budget code by clicking the - button.     

budget codes section of the purchase request form


5.  Look at the total cost and follow the appropriate path: 


The total cost exceeds my signature authority: 

1) Click the button to the left to choose the appropriate action.  

  • Approve: The purchase request is approved.  You are to required to provide the next approver’s username 

  • Deny: The purchase request is denied and returned to the requester.  The requester cannot edit and cannot proceed forward.  

  • Return for Editing: The purchase request is returned to the requester for editing.  The purchase request will not be returned to the previous approver. 


Because the total cost, exceeds your signature authority, you must send the purchase request to another budget manager.  


2) Provide the next approver’s username.  


The total cost is within my signature authority:  


1) Click the button to the left to choose the action.  

  • Approve: The purchase request is approved, and you are to required to provide the next approver’s username.   

  • Deny: The purchase request is denied and returned to the requester.  The requester cannot edit and cannot proceed forward.  

  • Return for Editing: The purchase request is returned to the requester for editing.  The purchase request will not be returned to the previous approver. 

  • Approve and Send to Purchasing: The purchase request is approved, and sent to purchasing.  


7. If needed, enter in "Comments".  

Comments: The comments will visible to the next approver.   

comments section of the purchase request form


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