Delegate Approval Authority for Purchase Requests

Delegate Approval Authority is a way to transition approval authority to a delegate for a fixed amount of time.  Approvers may delegate their signature authority to a direct report for a planned absence such as a vacation.   In the case of an emergency, Purchasing can transition approval authority to a delegate.  


1.  Visit Elon Purchase Requisition

2. Click "Delegate Approval Authority".  

Delegate Approval Authority button highlighted (bottom button)

3. Click "Create New Delegation". 

create new delegation button highlighted

4. Complete the "New Delegation Information" as appropriate.  


New delegation section


  • Delegate: Search by first name, last name, or username.  Searching First name followed by last name will not produce results.  

  • Start Date: This is the date the delegate will begin having approval authority.  

  • Start Time: This is the time the delegate will begin having approval authority.  

  • End Date: This is the date the delegate will stop having approval authority.  

  • End Time: This is the time the delegate will stop having approval authority.  


5. Click "Add".  

add button

Both the approver and the delegate receive email notices regarding this transition.   

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