Turn Off the "Lower Your Voice" Alert

Cisco 8851 phones have a new feature that some may find a little annoying.  But that’s okay because we have step by step instructions to turn this feature off for good.


1.     Press the Cog button (looks like a little gear) on your Cisco phone.
Image of cisco phone with the gear button being pointed at.




2.     Press the 2 button to select Settings.
Image of cisco phone with the "2" button being pressed


3.     Use the circular pad to scroll down to item 9.Lower your voice alert.  By default it is set to On.
Image of "Lower your voice alert" being highlighted



4.     Press the softkey labelled Off.
Image of the button being pressed off for the "Lower your voice alert"



5.     You will see a message asking you to verify this.  Verify by selecting Ok.

Image of caution pop-up and the option to press "Ok" or "cancel"

6.     The alert is now off and you must hit exit twice to get back to the main phone display screen.

Image back to before the pop-up with the "Exit" button highlighted


Image of "Exit" button being pressed




That’s it!  You’re all set and Cisco will no longer rudely judge your speaking voice!  Thanks for reading and if you ever have any questions, always contact the Elon Service Desk!

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