Upload to Kaltura from a iPhone for Students

1.) Open the preferred browser on your iPhone and navigate to www.elon.edu/Moodle

2.) Log into Moodle with your Elon username and password

3.) Navigate to the Moodle Assignment or Discussion Forum where you need to upload the video

4.) If you see the following error, follow the next three steps, if you do not, skip to step 8

3rd party cookies browser error

5.) Navigate to your iPhone Settings area and click on the browser you are using

iPhone settings with "Safari" circled

6.) Toggle "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" and "Block All Cookies" so they are turned off

A circle around "Prevent Cross-site Tracking" and "Block all cookies" which are turned off

7.) Re-open your browser

8.) Navigate to the course area you are uploading your video such as an Assignment or a Discussion Forum

9.) Click the Kaltura Media button

kaltura media button is circled

10.) Click on "Choose a file to upload"

The choose a file button

11.) Select "Take Photo or Video" if you have not already recorded it or select "Photo Library" if the video has already been recorded

Options to select a video source

12.) Select the video and give the video a name; then upload it to Kaltura

The "Save and embed" button

13.) Once the box turns green and the upload is complete, click "Embed"

The embed button is circled

14.) Click "Submit" in Moodle to submit your Assignment or Discussion Forum post

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Summarizes for students how to download Kaltura Personal Capture onto their computer, and how to record and upload a video to Moodle for an assignment.

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