Accommodations in Moodle Assignments and Quizzes

The Moodle interface is mostly accessible. It is the responsibility of instructors to check the content they create in Moodle or upload to Moodle for accessibility.

Accommodations in Moodle Assignments and Quizzes

Moodle makes it easy to provide accommodations in assignments and quizzes for students who need them.  You can set an accommodation for a single student or a group of students (be sure to create the group before trying to use the group overrides function).  The User (or Group) Overrides function allows you to:

  • Extend the time limit for a quiz or assignment
  • Change the dates and time a quiz or assignment is available
  • Add more attempts for a quiz
  • Add a password to the quiz
  • Set a time limit for the quiz

You need to set the User Overrides for each assignment and quiz where the accommodation will be needed.

  Screenshot of "More" dropdown menu with "Overrides" selected.

  1. From the Course page, click on the Assignment or Quiz you want to add overrides for. 
  2. Click "More" from the top navigation bar and select "Overrides" from the drop down menu. 
  3. Click Add user override.
  4. Search for the student or choose them from the drop down menu.  
  5. Define the override restrictions as needed:

For assignments:

  • Change Allow Submissions from date and time, Due date and time, and Cut-off date and time as necessary.
  • Click Save (or Save and enter another override if you need to add overrides for additional students).

For quizzes:

  • Add a password for the student if necessary.
  • Change Open the quiz and Close the quiz dates and times.
  • Change the time limit.
  • Change the Attempts allowed.
  • Click Save (or Save and enter another override if you need to add overrides for additional students).
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