Show/Hide Moodle Blocks

Tags moodle block

This article explains how to show/hide blocks that you may have added (or added by the administrator) to your Moodle course. Blocks are items that are added to the side of any Moodle page. This can include blocks for your calendar, activities, course summaries, etc. 

1. From the course home page, click on the grey edit mode switch in the upper right corner

2. Open the block drawer on the upper right corner

3. Find the block you would like to hide/show and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner found on the block

4. In the drop-down menu, click on "Hide [name of block]" to hide the block or "Show [name of block]" to show the block. 

If a block is shown, only the "Hide" option will be shown. If the block is already hidden you will have the option to "Show"


5. Once completed, turn off editing by clicking the green edit mode switch in the upper right corner

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