Update User Profile (Home Address, Local Address and Phone Number)

Periodically the University requests that students update their contact information including, local address, home address, and cell phone number. Students will be prompted with a notification in OnTrack if these pieces of information have not been entered and/or confirmed as of a certain date.

IMPORTANT – In order for the OnTrack notification to disappear, each student must have all of the following:

  • Local address entered AND confirmed

  • Home address entered AND confirmed

  • Cell phone number entered AND confirmed

Skip to: Enter Home AddressEdit Home Address | Enter Local Address | Edit Local Address | Enter Cell Phone Number | Edit Cell Phone Number | Confirm Address and/or Phone Number 

OnTrack Notification

Click on the link to open the User Profile page and enter your information.

address error

Enter Local Address
  1. The User Profile page displays your picture and demographic information at the top of the page
  2. Any addresses you have entered are listed in the Addresses section
    • The date of last confirmation is displayed for your information
  3. Click the Add New Address button to add a new address

A screen with numbers corresponding to, 1. profile picture, 2. The current address, 3. Add address button

Enter the address details for each field, keeping in mind that required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. Choose Local from the Type drop down box
  2. Click the Add Address button to save the address

The enter address details screen with he type set to local, and the "Add address" button  highlighted

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Edit Local Address
  1. Any addresses you have entered are listed in the Addresses section
  2. The local address is indicated with Local in the Type column
  3. Click the pencil icon button to edit the address

Numbers corresponding to, the address, they type of address, and the edit button

  1. Make any edits and click the Update Address button

The "Enter address details" screen

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Enter Home Address
  1. The User Profile page displays your picture and demographic information at the top of the page
  2. Any addresses you have entered are listed in the Addresses section
    • The date of last confirmation is displayed for your information
  3. Click the Add New Address button to add a new address

A screen with numbers corresponding to, 1. profile picture, 2. The current address, 3. Add address button

Enter the address details for each field, keeping in mind that required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. Choose Home from the Type drop down box
  2. Click the Add Address button to save the address

The enter address details screen with he type set to local, and the "Add address" button  highlighted

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Edit Home Address
  1. Any addresses you have entered are listed in the Addresses section
  2. The home address is indicated with Home in the Type column
  3. Click the pencil icon button to edit the address

  1. Make any edits and click the Update Address button

The Enter address details screen

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Enter Cell Phone Number
  1. Any phone numbers you have entered are listed in the Phone Numbers section
    • The date of last confirmation is displayed for your information
  2. Click the Add New Phone button to add a new phone number

Numbers corresponding to, 1. Phone numbers list, 2. Add new phone

Enter the phone details for each field, keeping in mind that required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. Choose Cell Phone from the Type drop down box
  2. Click the Add Phone button to save the phone number

The Enter phone details screen

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Edit Cell Phone Number
  1. Any phone numbers you have entered are listed in the Phone Numbers section
    • The cell phone number is indicated with Cell Phone in the Type column
  2. Click the pencil icon button to edit the phone number

Numbers corresponding to, 1. phone number type, 2. The edit button

  1. Make any edits and click the Update Phone button

The enter phone number details screen

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Confirm Address and/or Phone Number
  1. The date of last confirmation is displayed for your information
    • If you have been prompted to update your addresses and the date displayed is not recent then you need to confirm your addresses
    • Make sure you have BOTH a home and local address displayed
  2. Click the Confirm button to confirm your addresses
  3. The date of last confirmation is displayed for your information
    • If you have been prompted to update your phone number and the date displayed is not recent then you need to confirm your phone number
    • Make sure you have a cell phone number displayed
  4. Click the Confirm button to confirm your phone number

Under addresses, numbers corresponding to, 1. Last confirmed on, 2. The confirm button. Under phone numbers, numbers corresponding to, 3. Last confirmed on, 4. The confirm button

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