Time History for Student Employees (Supervisor)

Access the Time History for Supervisors page

Supervisors of student staff members may use the Time History for Student Employees (Supervisor) page to view past time sheets and can be accessed through OnTrack

Search for Employee
  1. Enter the University ID or name of the student
    • Valid search criteria includes
      • 7-digit University ID
      • First name Last name (e.g. John Smith)
      • First name Middle name Last name (e.g. John Patrick Smith)
      • Last name, First name (e.g. Smith, John)
      • Last name, First name Middle name (e.g. Smith, John Patrick)
  2. Click the magnifying glass to search for the student

Numbers corresponding to, 1. Search for employee, 2. the search button

  1. Click the name of the student to view their time sheets

Search results

View Time History
  1. The student's name and University ID are displayed at the top of the page
  2. Use the drop down box to select a different year, if needed
  3. Past pay periods are displayed in reverse chronological order
    • Click the pay period to see the individual time sheets
    • The chosen pay period is highlighted in blue
  4. The chosen pay period time sheets are displayed with the pay period dates at the top of the section
    • Click the time sheet links to see the details of the time sheet

Time history screen with numbers corresponding to, 1. employee information, 2. the year selection dropdown, 3. the pay period selection, 4. pay period weeks available to view

View time sheet details
  1. The pay period dates are displayed at the top of the page
    • The 1-week time sheet dates are displayed with the total number of hours paid for ALL positions
    • Use the navigation arrows to move between time sheets, if needed
  2. Time sheets for all positions are listed in individual windows
    • The following information is displayed for each position and time sheet
      • Position ID and title
      • Supervisor name and department
      • Number of hours and final status of the time sheet
  3. Use the navigation arrows to expand and collapse the position windows to see hour details
  4. The total number of hours for ALL positions are displayed at the bottom of the page

An expanded time card with numbers corresponding to, 1. pay period week with navigation arrows, 2. A list of available positions

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