Monthly Leave Entry Information

Tags leave entry

Administrative staff eligible for leave time, such as vacation and sick time, enter the leave hours taken throughout the month in OnTrack. When the month is complete, the administrative staff member electronically signs and submits leave time for supervisor approval (an email is sent to the primary supervisor indicating there is leave time that needs to be approved). The supervisor reviews the time and either approves or rejects it.

  • All administrative staff eligible for leave time must log into OnTrack each month to submit leave hours. If no time was used then the administrative member will indicate no leave time was used and submit the leave entry form for supervisor approval.
  • If time is electronically signed AND approved, it is automatically submitted to the Payroll Office for processing.
  • If time is rejected, the administrative staff member will receive an email from the supervisor with instructions to correct and resubmit.
  • If time is rejected after the administrative staff member's deadline then the administrative staff member cannot log back into the leave entry form and should contact the Payroll Office.

Supervisors can see and approve leave time at any point during the month. However, the administrative staff member must electronically sign the leave form in order for leave time to be maintained correctly.

The administrative staff member has until 11 pm on the 7th of the month to submit leave time for the previous month for supervisor review. The supervisor has until 11 pm on the 10th of the month to approve the leave time for the previous month. Once the deadline submission has passed, no changes can be made.

Administrative staff will have both a primary and alternate supervisor listed in the system. Either supervisor may review, approve or reject the leave time. It is the responsibility of the primary supervisor to communicate to the alternate supervisor when the alternate supervisor should be approving leave time in the primary supervisor’s absence.

Administrative Staff Instructions

Supervisor Instructions

Monthly Leave Entry FAQs

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