Monthly Leave Entry for Administrative Staff

Enter leave time

Access the Monthly Leave Entry form

Leave entry forms can be accessed through OnTrack. Once logged in, click on the Employment icon on the left side of the page and select Monthly Leave Entry to access the form.

Choose a month

The Monthly Leave Entry screen will display the current month and any past months containing previously entered leave time. Select the appropriate month. If a previous month or year is missing and this appears to be an error, please contact the Payroll Office for assistance.

Leave entry form

The Monthly Leave Entry form displays administrative staff, leave plan and University holiday information. The middle section is to be used to enter the leave time taken during the month. Once the form is complete, one of the following can be chosen:

  • Add additional leave plan lines above (entries will be saved)
  • Save and exit
  • Save and continue to the next page to submit for supervisor approval

Enter time

Choose the day, number of hours and leave plan from the drop down boxes. Once the appropriate action is chosen, click SUBMIT.

No time to report

If no leave time was used during the month, leave all the Day/Hour/Leave Plan lines blank and check the box beside I have no leave plan hours to report for .... Once the appropriate action is chosen, click SUBMIT.

Supervisor approval

If the Save and submit for supervisor approval option is chosen then the Monthly Leave Entry Submission form will be displayed. To submit the leave time for supervisor approval, check the box and click SUBMIT.

Re-open signed form

As long as the administrative staff deadline has not passed, a signed form may be re-opened. Follow the same steps to access the form via OnTrack. If the leave form has been signed and submitted then the Open Signed Monthly Leave Entry Submission form will be displayed. Check the box and click SUBMIT to remove the signature and access the leave entry form.

Supervisor rejection

If a supervisor rejects the leave time submission, an email will be delivered to the administrative staff member indicating the leave time submission has been rejected and supervisor comments will be included.

Follow the same steps to access the form via OnTrack. The Open Signed Monthly Leave Entry Submission form will be displayed. The supervisor comments are displayed on this form and the Monthly Leave Entry form when it is re-opened. To remove the signature and access the leave entry form, check the box and click SUBMIT.

View past leave time

Access the Monthly Leave Entry form

Leave entry forms can be accessed through OnTrack. Once logged in, click on the Employment icon on the left side of the page and select Monthly Leave Entry to access the form.

Choose a past month

The Monthly Leave Entry screen will display the current month and any past months for which leave time was entered. Select the appropriate month. If a month is not listed, no leave time was entered.

Choose a past year

The Monthly Leave Entry screen has a drop down box that will display any past years for which leave time was entered. To see the months for a past year, choose the appropriate year from the drop down box and click SUBMIT.

The Previous Year Leave Entry screen will display any past months for which leave time was entered. Select the appropriate month. If a month is not listed, no leave time was entered.

View past time

The View Past Monthly Leave Entry screen displays the leave time information entered by the administrative staff member, signature information and supervisor decision information. Click OK to exit the form.

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