Monthly Leave Approval (Supervisor)

Approve leave time

Administrative staff submission email

The primary supervisor will receive an email when the administrative staff member submits leave time for approval.

Access the approval form

Leave entry forms can be accessed through OnTrack. Once logged in, click on the Employment icon on the left side of the page and select Monthly Leave Approval (Supervisor) to access the form.

Choose a month

The Supervisor Approval for Monthly Leave Entry form will display the current month and any past months for which any administrative staff member entered leave time. Select the appropriate month. If a month is not listed, no leave time was entered.

Supervisor approval form

The Supervisor Approval for Leave Entry form displays the name, leave time and signature information for all the administrative staff members. If you are the primary supervisor then the information will be displayed in the PRIMARY SUPERVISOR section. If you are the alternate supervisor then the information will be displayed in the ALTERNATE SUPERVISOR section.

View leave time details

To see the leave time details for an individual person, click on the month and year link in the Details column for the appropriate person.

On the detail form, the leave plan balances and leave information for each day in the month will be displayed. Use this form to approve or reject the leave time. Either click the radio button beside Approve or Reject. Comments are required if the submission is rejected. Enter comments in the Comments box. Click SUBMIT to return to the previous form.

Approve leave time

Leave time may be approved for each administrative staff member using the following methods:

  • Click the Approve All link above the Employee column. This will mark all submissions with a signature as "APPROVED."
  • Click the Approve link in the Approve column for the appropriate person. This will mark the individual's submission as "APPROVED." The Approve link is only available if the administrative staff member has signed their leave form.
  • Click the link in the Details column for the appropriate person. The leave details form will load and the submission may approved using this form.

Reset final decision

If a mistake is made, the final decision may be reset using the following methods:

  • Click the Reset final decision for all employees link in the "Hour(s) Entered" column. This will remove all the decisions for everyone in that section.
  • Click the Reset final decision link in the Approve or Reject column for the appropriate person. This will remove the decision for the individual.

Reject leave time

To reject a leave time submission, click on the Reject link in the Reject column for the appropriate person.

The Reject Staff Leave Entry form will open. Enter the required comments in the Comments box and click SUBMIT.

When the leave time submission is rejected, the administrative staff member will receive an email with the supervisor comments directing them to log into OnTrack to correct the form. When the form is re-opened, the supervisor will receive an informational email. No action is needed when the supervisor receives the email.

Confirmation email

To receive a confirmation email with a summary of all submissions, check the box at the bottom of the Supervisor Approval for Leave Entry form and click SUBMIT.

View past leave time

Access the Time Entry and Approval menu

Leave entry forms can be accessed through OnTrack. Once logged in, click on the Employment icon on the left side of the page and select Supervisor Approval for Monthly Leave Entry to access the form.

Choose a past month

The Supervisor Approval for Monthly Leave Entry screen will display the current month and any past months for which administrative staff members have entered leave time. Select the appropriate month. If a month is not listed, no leave time was entered.

Choose a past year

The Supervisor Approval for Monthly Leave Entry screen has a drop down box that will display any past years for which administrative staff members have entered leave time. To see the months for a past year, choose the appropriate year from the drop down box and click SUBMIT.

The Previous Year Supervisor Approval for Leave Entry screen will display any past months for which administrative staff members have entered leave time. Select the appropriate month. If a month is not listed, no leave time was entered.

View past time

The View Past Monthly Leave Entry screen displays the name, leave time and signature information. Click on the month and year link in the Details column for the appropriate person to see the leave entry details.

Click OK to return to the previous form.

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