Gaming at Elon

Many students engage in a variety of wireless video gaming at Elon University. In an effort to continually strengthen and improve the wireless network, Information Technology (IT) has disabled ethernet ports in residence halls to prevent consumer technology (such as personal wireless routers) from interfering with Elon's wireless network.

The following are tips and tricks that may help improve your wireless gaming experience.

Network Speed for Gaming

Elon University has built a network equipped with current-generation 802.11ac hardware, providing users with download speeds up to 500MBps.

Ethernet Ports Disabled

While an ethernet connection may be faster than wireless, many users were connecting personal WiFi routers to ethernet ports in their room. As a result, these personal routers caused interference with Elon wireless networks. Additionally, devices would go rogue and mimic Elon's wireless network while passing out IP addresses, which is a major security concern. Disabling ethernet ports allowed Elon to boost the wireless network and improve the overall wireless experience.

Antenna Orientation

The most common mistake users make is not providing enough breathing room for antennas related to wireless gaming.

Solution: Make sure that your antenna is not placed between your computer (e.g., desktop towers) and an outside wall. The materials of both prevent clear wireless signals. Remember, for your antenna to receive the best wireless signal possible, it can't have anything interfering with its reception.

Change the location

Wireless Access Points (APs) are installed all over the place, but you might have picked the one corner in your room that is furthest from the closest AP. Try moving your device around the room to see if one location gets a better or clearer signal. If you do notice the signal improving when you move the device to another area, please report the "dead space" to the Technology Service Desk at 336-278-5200, including your name, location, and contact information so we may work with you to resolve the issue.

Don't Surge Protect Your XBox One X, XBox One, or XBox One S

You might be used to plugging anything electronic into a surge protector. This is not the case for an Xbox One X or One S. Microsoft equipped these devices with a built-in surge protector. As a result, if either are plugged into a surge protected outlet, the console is not capable of reaching the full power draw it needs for optimal performance.

Solution: Plug the device directly into a power outlet. Read more about power limitations on Microsoft's support site.

Consider switching out your hardware

You may find a better wireless signal if you purchase a stronger wireless adapter.

If you can't move your antenna to a clearer location, consider adding a wireless antenna extension (only applicable for wireless adapters with removable antennas).

Switch what USB ports you are using

If you have something like a USB wireless network adapter, try switching the USB port it's plugged into. Believe it or not, some users find that switching the USB port improves experience (particularly switching from back of the computer to front of the computer).

Are you a gamer?

Finally, if you have other hints, tips, or tricks to improve wireless gaming experiences, please report them to the Technology Service Desk.

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