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    Walks you through connecting to the elonu-secure wireless network on an Apple iOS device.
    Instruction for users on how to connect to the elonu-secure wireless network on an Android device.
    Walks users through connecting their Mac device to the elonu-secure wireless network.
    Resources to use when checking if online services are running or experiencing issues.
    Overview of public WiFi connections at Elon University.
    Provides an overview of how to configure personal devices to the elonu-secure network.
    Information and adding and configuring devices to the elonu-connect wireless network.
    Provides an overview of the wireless network at Elon University.
    Information about gaming at Elon University.
    Troubleshoot information for streaming devices like Rokus, Fire Sticks, and Chromecasts. This is not for devices like iPads or smartphones.
    Elon's wireless network FAQ.