Register for OnTheHub

Tags students

1.) Visit and click the Register button

An image of the sign in/register page for OnTheHub.

2.) Enter your Elon University email address in the field. You must have an Elon University-issued email address to continue.

An image asking you to verify your Elon email address.

3.) Fill out the Account Registration page with the appropriate information.

An image of the account registration form you need to fill in.

  • Click the Register button when complete.

4.) Your account will be registered and you will be taken to 'Your Eligibility' page.

An image of the eligibility page.

5.) When you receive the confirmation email, click on the link provided to confirm your email address.

An image of the confirmation email with a verification link.

6.) You will be taken to a page to enter your login information. Do so, and sign in.

An image of the login screen you'll see after clicking the verification link.

  • Congratulations, you are enrolled in Kivuto's OnTheHub!
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Article ID: 78079
Fri 5/10/19 11:33 AM
Tue 7/16/24 10:44 AM
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