Renew Your SAS License

Please verify that you have SAS 9.4 and follow the instructions below to update you license. If you have a previous version and you are faculty or staff, please submit a ticket to get your SAS software updated. If you are a student or are on a personally owned machine, please view our instructions for installing SAS on a personal computer.

Please click on the appropriate link below to download the latest sid/setinit license file to your computer.

Teaching and research (includes faculty and students)

Windows 64bit

Windows 32bit

Administrative Staff Windows 64bit
  1. Click on Start>All Programs>SAS>Utilities>Renew SAS Software
  2. At the Renew SAS Software screen, click browse to locate the sid/setinit file then click Next
  3. Click Ok to verify the SAS installation data
  4. Click Renew at the Renew SAS Software screen. Your SAS license should now be current.
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