Enable Feedback Files in Moodle

This walkthrough is for instructors who would like to upload Assignment files or documents to students, particularly files that have instructor feedback in them. This walk through assumes you've already created your Assignment, though this process can also be done during the process of creating it (just skip to Step 3).

Quick video tutorials

View a short walkthrough of enabling feedback files. View more videos in the Moodle Assignments playlist here. 

1.) In the top-right side of the header, click the toggle button to turn editing on. (The toggle button will turn green.)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2.) Click the 'three dot icon' link to the right of the assignment (1) and select 'Edit Settings' (2)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

3.) Select 'Feedback files' in the Feedback types section

An image of feedback types, with feedback files circled.

  • These settings may not be displayed by default if the Feedback types section is collapsed. To view these settings, click Feedback types (pictured above).

4.) Scroll down and click 'Save and display'

An image of save buttons, with save and display circled.

  • You can ignore the rest of the settings on this page.
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