Specifying file types for an assignment is a good way to make sure that all submissions for your assignments meet your requirements. This is a good way of streamlining grading. For information beyond this article, visit Moodle documentation here.
1. Navigate to the course with the assignment you would like to edit. Toggle the Edit switch in the top-right corner of your Moodle page.

2. Select the menu next to the assignment, and click "Edit settings".

3.) Scroll down to the section "Submission types". In the "Accepted file types" box, type in the file types you would like to allow for this assignment. Click "Save and Display" at the bottom of the page when you are ready.
- Accepted file types can be restricted by entering a comma separated list of mimetypes (examples: video/mp4, audio/mp3, image/png, image/jpeg), or file extensions including a dot (examples: .png, .jpg, .ppt, .doc). If the field is left empty, then all file types are allowed.