Shared Mailbox via Outlook for Windows

1.) Click the 'File' tab in the upper left-hand corner of Outlook

An image of the file tab, circled. On far left.

2.) From the 'Info' section, click the 'Account Settings' drop-down and select 'Account Settings'

An image of the account settings location, with info and account settings both circled.

3.) In the 'E-mail' tab, click 'Change'

An image of the change button, circled.

4.) Click on 'More Settings...'

An image of the more settings button, circled.

5.) Click the 'Advanced' tab and click 'Add...'

An image of the add button, circled with an arrow pointing to it.

6.) Enter your shared mailbox account name or user ID (does not require and click 'OK'.  If you receive an error that the mailbox cannot be found, have Information Technology verify that the shared mailbox is not being hidden.  There is a field in Active Directory called msExchHideFromAddressLists that needs to be set to False or Not Set before you will be able to add it to your Outlook.

An image of add mailbox, with the ok button circled.

7.) Click 'Apply' and then 'OK'

An image of the configuration box, with the apply button circled.

8.) Click 'Cancel' on the 'Change Account' screen

An image of the change account screen.

9.) Click 'Close' on the Account Settings window

Your Shared Mailbox will now be located in the navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen

An image of Outlook with configured shared mailboxes. The top is the user mailbox, circled and labeled My Inbox. The second is circled and labeled My Shared Mailbox.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Submit a request to create a new shared mailbox, change an existing mailbox name, add/remove access, or transfer ownership of a shared mailbox.

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