Customize Your Dashboard

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The Moodle Dashboard is a customizable alternative to the Moodle home page that provides more control for arranging and filtering course lists and viewing course data. Follow the directions below to customize your dashboard in Moodle.For information beyond this article, visit Moodle documentation here.

Accessing your Dashboard

  • Your Dashboard be accessed by clicking the “Dashboard” tab in the menu at the top of your Moodle page, or by visiting

  • To begin editing your Dashboard, toggle the Edit switch at the top right of your Moodle page, and click "Add a Block". You will then be prompted to choose a block from a list.

Optional Dashboard Blocks we recommend:

Recently Accessed Courses Block

  • At the top of your default Dashboard is the Recently Accessed Courses block. The last few courses you’ve viewed will auto-populate here. This block refreshes each time you visit the Dashboard and is based on the exact order you last viewed your courses.
  • Your "Recently Accessed" block will appear as below. If you uploaded a course image in one of your courses, it will appear here. If you have not, you will see a randomly assigned geometric image.

Course Overview Block

  • The Course Overview block displays courses in which you are enrolled as an instructor, and courses that have been made available to you as a student. The Course Overview block’s default display presents courses in a card style format, sorted by course name, and displays 12 courses at a time. A Course Overview block is functionally the same as the "My Courses" tab.

  • Course cards are the default display for blocks displaying courses. Each course card displays up to five pieces of information:
    • The course image (if uploaded within the course’s settings)
    • The course short name and full name
    • The course type
    • A star (only if the course has been starred in the display options menu)
    • A display options menu (to hide/show or star/unstar the course)
    • The course completion percentage (if enabled in the course)

  • The "Star this course" and "Remove from view" options are easy ways to control what displays in the Course Overview block. Each course card has a display options menu, which appears as three dots (an ellipses) on the bottom right side of each course card. Clicking this icon will provide the option to star or unstar a course, and remove or restore it in your view.
  • Starring and/or hiding courses is especially effective when combined with the filter option. Hidden courses will only be visible on your Dashboard if you change the Course Overview block filter to “Removed from view”. Removed courses are not deleted, but they will not display in the Recently Accessed Courses block. Starring or removing a course in your Dashboard will do the same in your My Courses tab.

  • There is a search bar function, which can filter courses by time period from the drop-down menu. Next to the search bar, you can change how you view courses from the two drop-down menus to the right.
  • Sorting options
    • All: Shows all of the courses that would also display for you on the Moodle home page.
    • In Progress: Shows any available courses that are currently between their set course start and end dates.
    • Future: Shows any available courses that have a course start date set in the future.
    • Past: Shows any available courses that have a course end date set in the past.
    • Starred: Shows any available courses you have manually starred using the display options menu.
    • Removed from view: Shows any available courses you have manually hidden using the display options menu. This is the only location on the Dashboard where you can see courses you have hidden using the display options menu.


Starred Courses Block

  • This block will display courses which you have starred. This block has limited options for changing displays, and has no search bar.

Calendar Block

  • This block with display items due from various courses in a calendar format.
  • You may wish to display only certain courses using the drop down menu at the top left, or create new events from the button at the top right.

Time-line Block

  • This block with display items due from various courses in an agenda format.
  • You may wish to display sort by dates using the drop down menu at the top left, or search for items at the top right.

Recently Accessed Items Block

  • This block will display only the last three items you accessed.

Evaluation (evasys) Block

  • This block will display available Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPoT) evaluations.
  • Please note: For most of the semester, this clock will be empty.

Text Block

  • Please note: This block was previously called HTML Block.
  • This block will display content you configure in the settings. To edit this block, toggle your Edit switch (top right of your Moodle page) on.

  • Select the gear icon at the right of the block, and click "Configure block".

  • Enter a title for the block, and content. There is a rich text editor available for the content section, so you may format text, add images, etc. Make sure to click "Save changes" when you are done.

Simple Clock Block

  • This block will display the local time for the server, and for you. This may be helpful for students working asynchronously, or taking classes in another timezone.

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