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Services or Offerings?
Report an issue with Elon's security awareness training modules.

If you are experiencing issues with Entrinsik Informer, report the issue and IT's Enterprise Solutions team will troubleshoot.

Requests to enhance the capabilities of the Purchase Requisition System may be submitted for consideration by Purchasing and Information Technology.

PhoenixCONNECT is the online platform for students to learn about the many opportunities for getting involved on campus. This system is also the starting place for submitting student-organized event requests.

Report an issue with Titanium.

Report an issue with live event streaming.

Report an issue with your Nursing program ipad.

Report an issue with technology in campus classrooms, meeting spaces, and other learning spaces.

Streeme TV delivers more than 60 channels of news, entertainment, and premium programming in common areas.

Campus Safety & Police may report an issue with a fire panel alarm.

Report an issue with a data port on Elon University's campus.

Report an issue with eDocs.

Report an issue with an Elon-issued mobile device.

Report an issue with printing, copying, or scanning.

Faculty, staff, and students have access to VPN.