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Services or Offerings?
Submit a request for off-campus access to Colleague or Entrinsik Informer IF your account was created before February 2023.

Campus Safety & Police may report an issue with a blue light emergency phone.

Campus Safety & Police may report an issue with a fire panel alarm.

Report an issue with the wired connection in your location on Elon's campus.

Request assistance with proctoring cameras on campus.

Report an issue with proctoring cameras on campus.

Request installation of a security camera at a location on Elon University's campus.

Report an issue with a security camera on the Elon University campus.

Report an issue with a data port on Elon University's campus.

Request the installation of a data port in a location on Elon University's campus.

Request assistance locating network cabling in a location on Elon's campus.

Report an issue with technology in campus classrooms, meeting spaces, and other learning spaces.

The Verizon Jetpack provides internet access outside of campus wifi availability.

Request for a website URL to be safelisted for use on the campus network.

Report an issue with gaining access to an Elon University campus building using your Phoenix Card, for which you have been approved.