Lost or Stolen Devices

Lost or stolen university-issued devices are a potential risk to yourself and Elon University, especially if they contain sensitive or regulated data. When such losses or thefts occur, the university may be required to take specific actions within defined timelines as determined by federal and state privacy laws. If a university-issued device, such as a laptop, desktop, or mobile device, has been lost or stolen, please follow these steps as soon as possible:

  1. If the device was stolen, please file a report with Campus Safety and Police, as well as the police department in the jurisdiction where the device was stolen.
  2. Report the incident to Information Technology by selecting "Report an Issue" and completing the form, or by calling the Technology Service Desk at 336-278-5200. This will help IT determine the proper remediation steps.
  3. Notify your supervisor.

Available To

Faculty and staff with university-issued devices

Benefits & Key Features

  • Help protect yourself and the university by reporting lost or stolen devices


There is no cost associated with this service.

Report an Issue

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