Security Training Access Request

Information Security Awareness Training is an annual requirement for all faculty and staff, and is highly recommended for students and other Elon Community members. Elon's Information Security office offers awareness programs and training through Linkedin Learning and Allied World//FrameWRX.

Please note, Elon email accounts are required for access to the Allied World//FrameWRX training modules. Before browsing content, you must first reset your account password as part of the activation process. Please choose a unique password that is not used for email or OnTrack. When prompted, enter your full Elon email address and select “Send Reset Password Link.” For more helpful information, please visit the Information Security Awareness Training website.

If you received the “Account not found, unable to send reset link” message when logging into Allied World//FrameWRX, please select "Submit a Request" and complete the form.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students

Benefits & Key Features

  • Enhance your security awareness and help protect university data, as well as personal information
  • Stay up-to-date with a variety of training modules to choose


There is no cost associated with this service.

Submit a Request

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